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Home / Mezco One:12 Collective / Mezco One:12 Collective GI Joe Destro Figure

Mezco One:12 Collective GI Joe Destro Figure

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Joining the One:12 Collective, Destro, the weapons supplier to COBRA and leader of M.A.R.S. features his classic tactical outfit with tech enhancements, gauntlets with missile blasters, interchangeable thigh holsters, and combat boots. Destro includes three masked head portraits, sporting his iconic beryllium steel mask and includes his necklace with amulet.

The state-of-the-art weapons manufacturer totes only the best of the best, complete with a prototype modular sub-machine gun, pistol with removable magazines, rifle with removable magazines, and missiles that attach to his gauntlet.

Destro is always carrying his Cobra-issued, multilayer briefcase with light-up function. The briefcase illuminates via an on/off switch and is complete with a supercomputer and weapon storage.

James McCullen Destro is a cutthroat and unyielding businessman with a great sense of honor and is always prepared to cause trouble for the Joes. The infamous arms dealer is known for engineering high-tech weaponry and supplying to whoever can meet his price.